About Us

McCormick Law firm has been trusted throughout Central PA for over 150 years. Our lawyers are committed to providing you with the aggressive advocacy and knowledgeable support you need to get results. We represent clients who have a wide variety of needs, from minor to catastrophic. No case is too large for us to handle. Our dedicated attorneys and staff are attentive to your individual needs and understand the nature of your case. While the atmosphere in our offices may be comfortable, we aggressively pursue cases, whether they are being settled out of court or are being litigated in court.

The firm partnership currently consists of fourteen (14) attorneys including eight (8) partners, four (4) Of Counsel, and two (2) associates. The firm’s main interests in legal services are defense litigationdecedent estatesreal estatecorporate and governmental representationbankruptcy and workmen’s compensation defense.

Located at 835 West Fourth Street amidst and part of the Victorian homes of Williamsport, the firm presently enjoys the ambience of the best of Victorian architecture and living in the late 1800’s.  In spite of its age and history, the McCormick Law Firm is actively engaged in consistently remodeling itself to meet current demands for legal service by clients in a small metropolitan area of North Central Pennsylvania.


Seth Thomas McCormick moved from White Deer Valley to Williamsport and commenced practice. Soon after, Seth Thomas McCormick’s son, Henry Clay McCormick, joined him.


Henry Clay McCormick organized the Lycoming National Bank that later became Northern Central Bank. He was elected a Member of Congress and served as Attorney General for Pennsylvania until 1894.


The Emery House was designed and built by Ever Culver as a wedding gift to John White’s niece, Mary White Gamble. Over the years this grand Victorian mansion has also been used as an apartment house and by the U.S. Army as a reserve center during the 1940's. As evidence of indoor target practice, nearly 1000 pounds of plaster had fallen on the oak floors.


Sidney Dale Furst became the Senior Partner along with Henry Clay McCormick and Seth McCormick Lynn. Shortly thereafter, the firm of Furst, McCormick & Lynn was joined by Malcolm Muir and was henceforth known as “Furst, McCormick, Muir & Lynn”.


McCormick Law Firm purchased the Emery building in September of this year, and after further renovation it has been our home ever since. The building was purchased at an auction in the estate of Dr. Costello – formerly Costello’s medical office on the first floor and apartment/living area on second floor.


The firm completed an expansion project on the building, adding an additional 1600 square feet of workspace.


The firm officially became McCormick Law Firm.


McCormick Law Firm established a scholarship fund at the Pennsylvania College of Technology.